Open a word by tapping on it
How can you use this dictionary?

Sort the words, select some of them, then add new words to the selected ones based on the sort condition.

For example, sort a lesson by part of speech, select some verbs, then add new words ‒ you will get new verbs.


You can sort the words at the right side of the lesson. You can sort by specific groups and relations, or you can sort by every relation.
Difference between groups and relations


switch on, select, switch off
You can switch Select Mode on by tapping on an empty area. Select or deselect a word by tapping on it. If you want to switch Select Mode off, tap on the Dotted Pipe, or simply tap twice anywhere.

You can deselect all words by using the Dotted Line button.

Selecting by circle

If you tap on two points in Select Mode, you can select more words by a circle. Besides the Dotted Line button, you can deselect all words by selecting an empty area.


By using the Add button represented by a red plus (“+”) sign, you can add new words to the selected ones based on the sort condition.

‒ the added words will be the selected ones;
‒ in connection with the adding you can find more options at the “Settings” of the the menu

Invert and Remove

These buttons are located under the Add button. You can invert the selection by tapping on the Invert button. By tapping on Remove (“x”) you can remove the selected words.

For example, if you want to work only with verbs,

‒ sort the words by part of speech;
‒ select the verbs by circle;
‒ tap on Invert button;
‒ and then tap on Remove button ‒ you will remove all of the words except verbs.

Pause and Play

You can stop and start the neural network engine by using these buttons.


Reset button is located under the Play or Pause. It randomly resets the position of the words and restarts neural network engine.

Select menu

If you are in Select Mode, right to the “every relation” button you can find the arrow button of the Select menu. By using it

‒ you can select the connected words;
‒ the words of the opened lesson;
‒ or none of it

You can switch Select Mode off by using the “cancel select” button.

Show the connections

Simple trick: if you sort the words by a group or a relation, you can tap again on the name of it. This is a quick alternate method to select the connected words.

Power slider

Controlling the distances
If you click the Menu button at the top-right corner of the screen, you will find the Power slider. It controls the power of the neural network. By adjusting it you can balance between two demand.

If you increase the power, you will represent the connections between the words by shorter distances. If you decrease it, you will stretch the words out. In this case you can avoid touching the words each others.

Simple trick: if you tap on the Power icon itself, you can toggle between the maximum and the optimal value of the power.

Size slider

Next to the Power slider you will see the Size slider in the menu. By using it you can modify the size of the words. If you tap on the Auto button or on the Size icon itself, the size of the words will change automatically, it will depends on the number of the words.

Zoom Mode

If there are too many small words on the screen, using the Zoom Mode is a useful choice. You can switch Zoom Mode on by

‒ turning your mobile device vertically;
‒ by tapping the Zoom button represented by a magnifier symbol.

You can find all functions of Zoom Mode in the menu. You can cancel the Zoom Mode by turning your device back, or by tapping on the Cancel menu point.


You can find the Settings in the menu. You can show or hide the meaning of the words here. You can create Snapshots, Print and modify the Add button parameters here.

Simple trick: you can show or hide the meanings by clicking on the Groups/Relations caption on the stage.


Snapshots are saved word sets. You can remove your snapshots by tapping on the “x” button. You can synchronize them between devices by using the Synchronize button under the lesson list.


words plus meanings, words, two sided printing
You can find the Print button at the Settings. If you use it at first time, open the Page Setup menu point of your browser, set page size to A4 Portrait, switch off all kind of headers and footers, and set all margins to 10mm.

‒ Page 1 contains the words plus meanings;
‒ Page 2 contains the words;
‒ Page 2 and 3 contain the two sided printing

Setup the two sided printing

If you create two sided printing at first time, maybe the printer doesn't align perfectly the meanings to the words. In this case you can move the meanings horizontally by increasing and decreasing the left and right margins of the paper.

Neudice and the web

Neudice is a web application, so you can simply share the web address of a lesson or a snapshot. It's also possible to add them to the home screen of any kind of device.

Fine tuning

If you add new words to your lesson again and again, large amount of words will appear. If you feel the structure of the words is not perfect, and you realize a kind of “stress” in the moving of words, just press the Reset button.

Besides, there is a better way to optimize the view:

‒ maximize the Power by the slider;
‒ tap on Reset (this step is optional);
‒ wait for the stabilization of the view;
‒ then decrease the Power as it is suitable.

This method helps to avoid knots at large amount of words.

Shortcut summary

switch Select Mode off, deselect all, show the connections
‒ you can switch Select Mode off by tapping twice anywhere;
‒ deselect all words by selecting an empty area by circle;
‒ show the connections after sorting by tapping again on the group or the relation name;

‒ toggle between the maximum and the optimal power by tapping on the Power icon in the menu;
‒ switch auto size on by tapping on the Auto button or on the Size icon itself in the menu;
‒ switch Zoom Mode on by turning your mobile device vertically;
‒ show or hide the meaning by tapping on Groups/Relations caption.