Fact sheet

‒ about 10 times faster than the classic version
‒ it runs on all kind of devices
‒ zoom view to manage hundred of words
‒ teachers' and students' snapshots to save arrangements
‒ snapshots can be synchronized between devices

Inspired by

‒ responsive design
‒ the theory of slow web
‒ mobile first
‒ the kong bai (empty white) on Chinese paintings
‒ Utagawa Kuniyoshi's woodblock prints
‒ Zaha Hadid's ship
‒ Nagy Koppány Zsolt's Mr. Jozefát character


‒ native browser language to speed up
‒ without any slow third party components
‒ ajax to minimize internet usage
‒ vector graphics for high resolution devices


‒ Europe version manages linguistic features
‒ East version extends it by Far East language-specific items like character elements or intonations
‒ Engine version uses Neudice engine for different scopes like literature, history or biology

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